martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009



This is a play written by Oscar wilde was created during the late Victorian era. It is actually a humorous plays that tries to show the real Victorian era. It shows the hypocrisy and frivolity of the Victorian’s society in a very funny way using very sarcastic dialogues. Wilde plays with the meaning of the words of the name of the play, “Earnest”(the synonym that means honest, sincere) and “Ernest”(the name). That is why its characters especially Algernon and Jack under an extremely formal appearance just lie and hide the truth to each other and to everyone else. They are such as adults full of hypocrisy that it does not seem that they have grew up. They are kind of kids who always try to make others believe their lies in order to get rid of the blame and consequences their actions would bring them. Its dialogues have a brilliant and very comic and a very ingenious and clever solution to every problem as well as the visible characteristics of the Victorian society. That society that once applause the brilliant creator and the next day condemn him because he exposes what it has patently hided. In the play we can also see the existence of the idealistic love when Miss Gwendolyn dreams about that ideal man named Ernest and she hasn’t even met him for the first time. As well as the strong position that women plays, because men are shown to be weaker than them, and it is very visible when Miss Gwendolyn’s mother talks about her husband saying that he is not allowed to eat with visitors and he actually does not play an important role throughout the play. This is a very interesting play that highlights the importance of social classes, money, land, nobility instead of human sensitive and inner emotions.


This is a story of classical fantasy written by Stephen King and published in 1987, which presents a very remarkable battle between evil and good in which magic plays an important role all the way through the book. It is about a kingdom where an old king lived; he did not have any children and was single. So he decided to get marry with a very young beautiful and innocent lady. The Night of the wedding they had sex because of a magic drinking his wizard Flagg had given to him. So his first boy was born, his name was Peter. Then, some years after, while the king was in the forest, he found a Dragon who he killed and drank its blood, cut its head and hang it on the wall of his bedroom. So that night the king was so happy that maybe the blood of the dragon gave him power and made love to his wife. His second child was born whose name was Thomas. In Thomas’ birth her mother was murdered by her maid who was forced by Flagg. As time passes, and Peter grows older Flagg realizes that this little boy was not a threat to his position as royal wizard. Then, Thomas found a secret place in the castle where he sees the murder of his father by the wizard. He saw this through the eyes of the dragon head hung on the wall. But he stayed quiet and the wizard blames on peter. So peter went to jail. After a long time he was rescued by his best friend and his brother kills the wizard and tells the truth.


This is a story about a young and handsome man called Dorian gray. A friend of him made a portrait of him catching his beauty and youthfulness. He was very proud of that beauty that desired to never get old; instead the picture would do it. He gets married and kills her. Every time he did something wrong the picture got a monstrous aspect. At the end, he realizes he is a monstrous and decides to break the picture with a knife, when he touches it he falls down and the real monstrous Dorian Gray is death on the floor. We can actually make a comparison with the life an art. It presents a contrast between those two because Art possesses beauty and form and it is contrasted with the unattractiveness and shapelessness of real life. In the story Lord Henry encourages Dorian to treat his own life as if it were a work of art. He must experience it fully, as one would a piece of art, but at the same time remain detached from it, in the way that one might appreciate a great painting or a play

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