martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009



This film is directed by Roland Emmerich and it is about the end of the world in 2012. It is actually based on the Mayan calendar predictions about the earth’s future that seems to show a horrible destination for the humankind. According to the Maya’s prophesies, in 2012 there is going to be a strange galactic event in our milky way. The earth will be in exact alignment with the sun and the center of the Milky Way that is a black hole. Mayan thought this will cause a phenomenon called pull-shift that makes the pole of the earth shift in a matter of days or perhaps seconds. Albert Einstein suggested this before. He said that the earth poles have shifted before and it had caused global climate changes but it happened slowly over the years. Before the Equator rested in the Pacific Ocean and in Alaska, but now, we know it rests in South America. If this phenomenon takes place rapidly, it would mean global catastrophes such as giant tsunamis, terrible earthquakes, rise of the sea and epidemics because of the millions of death people. When watching the movie, you will see all these planetary catastrophes all the way through it. It starts when a scientific goes to India to visit another Indian scientific and they discover that the sun is causing the earth’s nucleus temperature raise. The governments of the world decide to build some futuristic and phenomenal arcs in order to save humankind, but to get to this inventions people must pay a lot of money. To my mind, this film has fantastic and very amazing special effects but it longs two and a half hours. It is a sad story that made me think about my family, friends and people destination and It made me feel sad. Well, I hope it is just a Hollywood creation because I wouldn’t like to face this catastrophe.


This is a horror film directed by Kevin Greutert that makes part of the saw series that started in 2004. This film show how certain people are chosen to “play” a game in order to understand what the value of life is. This is a very bloody and dramatic film because it contains violence so that is why it mustn’t been seen by minors. Its philosophy is that life should never been taken for granted. The story begins with a couple that has to cut parts of their bodies in order to save their lives and avoid a device to hurt and perforate their brains. There is also a story of a man who invented a formula for an insurance company to earn more money depending on an applicant’s probability to live long enough in order to pay them a tidy profit, rejecting the coverage to those people who didn’t fit in that formula. He starts to play and then he finds his staff playing also the game, so he has to make life-or-death decisions for each one of his staff. At the end, he saves 3 of his 7 staffs but in another room there are two people, a mother and a son. These people are the family of a man who died because of cancer, but his illness was not helped by the insurance because of the formula. He was not actually a good candidate because his possibility to live was very poor. So he would me more outcomes for the insurance company. I liked this film because it has been one of the films that have kept me all the time awake and interested on it.


This film is directed by Joby Harold in 2007. The movie stars saying that every year, one of 700 people are awake during surgery, so the plot of this movie is about a man who suffers "anesthetic awareness" and finds himself awake and aware during a heart surgery but he is paralyzed. This young 22 year-old man named Clayton, is a genius in finance, so he is a very rich man who lives with her mother. Meanwhile secretly he dates with his mother’s secretary, Sam. He is not very sure approve it about telling his mum about his relationship with this woman because he knows she won’t, but after going to see a doctor friend, he decides to tell the truth to his mum. He proposes to Sam in the middle of the night before the heart operation, she accepts and he tells his mum too. His mum is not happy with that news and neither with the news he is going to be operated by his friend. He receives a call from the hospital saying that there is a heart available for him, so he can be operated as soon as possible. The day of the surgery his mother is in there with a friend who is also a cardiologic which his mother wants his son to be operated by. Clayton does not accept and keeps on what he had planned. The operation starts and he realizes that he is conscious but he cannot move. He feels and hears everything around him. While being victim of this anesthetic awareness he hears the plans doctor have. They are planning to kill him and pretend the heart did not work during the surgery so they can get out the way with no difficulty. During all this process he realizes that who had planned everything was his new wife. She was actually a nurse who worked at that hospital with that group of doctors whose plans were to be widow so she would be rich and able to help to pay the hospital bills. Meanwhile Clayton’s mum realizes about her intentions because she looked at her purse. She found many letters who claimed his son’s murder. Clayton’s mother then decide to give her healthy heart to his son by suffering from an overdose calling her trustful doctor who saved finally his son’s life.

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