miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009



This news is taken from TV5 on the 30th September, 2009. This news is about the lack of language interprets needed at the European Commission. In fact, they do not have enough interprets to supply their needs. If this continues, there is going to be the risk of disappearing of some language, especially, English, French, German and Spanish. The European Commission is known as the Babel tower because there are many languages spoken in there just as the real Babel tower. Working at the European commission is a big challenge because there are almost 40 reunions per day in different domains such as economy, politics, social issues, etc. The payment for an Interpreter in the European commission is very good: 4000 €. The qualities an Interpret must have are to be always willing to learn many new things and to have knowledge in many domains.


This news was taken from TV5 on 20th October 2009. It is about a great project that will take place in Africa and will be carried out by Africans themselves. Its objective will be to look for fighting against the dryness and desertification that Sahara desert is bringing to Africa, so they want to stop the spread of the desert. For that, they will plant trees all over the end of the desert in order to stop other terrains to become desert. This strategy is a good initiative to preserve the environment and the biodiversity. This big green great wall will be composed of many species of different plants, and they will be planted over a distance of 7000 from Dakar to Djibouti to constitute a 5 km wide green strip across the desert to stop any further progress of desertification process. So their plans are to give our planet a new 'green lung' and contribute thus to the fight against climatic changes. I think this project is an awesome idea because it aims to protect our environment helping to preserve our planet and our survival.


This news was taken from TV5 on 28th November, 2009. This news is about the famine the entire world is facing today. According to the ONU the famine has increased in the last year almost the double. The countries most affected are India, Kenya and Ethiopia. The causes of this current famine are because of the climates changes: the dryness and the severe rains have contributed to the lost of kettle and the cultivation. Another cause of the famine is that the agriculture has been replaced by the growth of agro carburant. So this phenomenon has also caused social problems making people get mad provoking strikes and discontent among people.


This news was taken from BBC news on 16 December 2009. This news is about The Dera Sacha Sauda (DSS) which is one of the religious sects that operates in northern India. This sect has pledged to marry female sex workers who want to escape exploitation. This sect is composed by more than 1000 followers. They say they want to do this because they want to help women from being exploited and also to stop the spread of the HIV/Aids virus. They offer community services, social welfare and spiritual leadership. They estimate that 40%-50% of women working in cities like Mumbai (Bombay) and Delhi are HIV carriers many of them are HIV-positive. Some have young children and are concerned about their future. Actually this sect wants to ensure these women are protected legally once they are married.

This news was taken from BBC news on 15th December, 2009. It is about a discovery carried out at Boston university medical center for about 12 years. This 12-year study of 200 volunteers discovery a very intricate link between a hormone called Leptin which is the responsible to control the appetite in the human body and the development of this disease, Alzheirmer. This hormone is produced by fat cells and tells the brain that the body is full and so reduces appetite. It has been used as a potential weapon in treating obesity, but currently there is growing evidence that this hormone also benefits brain function. So it means that those who has a high level of this hormone are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer than those with the lowest level of Leptin. As we can see this is a great advance because it moves us closer to understanding the causes of this disease and provide information for drug development to fight it.

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